The Adopt a Path scheme is returning!

January 25th, 2022 - News

The Outdoor Access Trust for Scotland is looking forward to giving the Adopt A Path scheme a reboot after a combination of The Mountains and The People project coming to an end and Covid19 restrictions which put AAP on the backburner.

A new team member has joined OATS which will allow more paths to be added, more training to take place and more time to engage with volunteers. Shona is excited to get started and expand the range of paths to be adopted. She aims to continue to enable people passionate about Scotland’s hills to play a custodian role looking after sections of path but also hopes to include more lowland and all-ability routes in the scheme. Areas the scheme may expand include some hills in the west highlands where fragile landscapes are becoming eroded due to path widening, drainage issues and increased footfall.

AAP was very popular in the past and we hope to use the scheme to continue to bring people together on Scotland’s paths to protect remote and fragile landscapes. It is time to pick up where TMTP left off, continue to survey current adopted paths and expand into new areas. If you have any questions or are interested in getting involved please get in touch.

The AAP scheme was part of the very successful The Mountains and The People TMTP project which came to an end in 2020. As well as running 1500 volunteer work days, repairing 120km of mountain paths and developing education, engagement and training, the project saw 45 upland paths being adopted across Scotland’s two national parks. For more information on the outcomes of TMTP can be found here on the OATS website.